Serrano Intermediate School

Serrano school gym

Peer Assistance & Leadership (PAL)


What is PAL?

PAL stands for Peer Assistance and Leadership and is an 8th Grade, year long elective. PAL is a leadership class that focuses on helping students, our school, and the community. PAL students assist new students coming to our school, students who might need help making friends, and help tutor students who may need help in their core classes. PAL students also are involved in school activities such as Red Ribbon Week, Student of the Month Trimester Luncheons, College Week, Back to School Night, and Recycling. They help raise money for our school with activities and we help the community with canned food drives and various charity collections. PAL requires an application, must maintain citizenship grades of O's and S's on report cards or progress reports, and must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA.

For any question regarding PAL, please see Mrs. Mudd in room 210.