Serrano Intermediate School

Serrano school gym

Circulation Policies

Overdue Fees

A regular library book is checked out to the student account for the duration of 3 weeks. If a student needs more time with the book they are to bring the book and ask for a renewal date from the librarian. The book needs to be physically present in order to renew it. 

Textbook Policies

Textbooks are checked out for the year. Late fees are not charged, but if a book is lost or damaged, a fine will be assessed. Water damage of any kind will result in a replacement of the book. Textbooks range in price from $16 to over $100 each. 

Paperback workbooks are for the student to keep. They can be written in, and should be kept by the student. If a paperback book is lost and needs to be replaced, please notify the librarian immediately to find out the cost of the book in order to receive a new one. 

Day-Use Chromebook 

Students are required to bring their own device to school on a daily basis that is fully charged and in good working order. If a student needs a device for the day, they may borrow one for the day, from the library.