Physical Education
Physical Education: Health/Physical Fitness
7th/8th Grades
The state framework is the basis for the course standards in both 7th and 8th grades. The focus is on physical fitness and skills development in a variety of team and individual sports and recreational activities. An emphasis is placed on working cooperatively, following directions, playing safely, and life long health. Students will evaluate their fitness level and learn techniques to improve areas of weakness.
The Health Education component of Healthy Kids/Healthy California is integrated into the Physical Education program. Units of study are designed to develop knowledge that will enable students to choose healthful behaviors that avoid risk situations. These include building relationships within and outside the family, caring for the human body, human growth and development, and coping with health problems in a contemporary society. Drug, alcohol, and tobacco awareness studies enable students to develop decision-making skills. Human reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, substance abuse, and the importance of practicing abstinence are among the health-related topics to be discussed.
Those desiring advanced skill work may choose to take part in the after school activity program. Uniforms are required and lockers are provided in the dressing rooms.
8th Grade Unified Physical Education (New Course)
Unified Physical Education is a fully inclusive program that combines students with disabilities and students without disabilities in a 50/50 ratio. It allows students of varying ability levels and backgrounds to come together on equal terms through ongoing fitness, sports, leadership and wellness activities. This course focuses on the physical, intellectual and social growth of all participants. Engaging in physical activity and sport alongside peers with and without disabilities helps to foster important social relationships. In addition to serving as a guide for physical education, sports and recreation activities, Unified Physical Education also supports student leadership, affect whole-school impact, and promote social justice, health and wellness. Students without disabilities are not meant to serve as helpers or mentors, but to be equitable classmates. Unified Physical Education courses can be the foundation for creating more inclusive school environments across the country where individual differences are embraced and all students are accepted.