Serrano Intermediate School

Serrano school gym



What is Honors?

Honors is More:

  • In depth - lessons do more than skim the surface
  • Problem solving - students are responsible for coming up with their own ideas
  • Critical thinking - students evaluate, not just accept the scientific concepts
  • Understanding how and why - not just memorizing facts
  • Responsibility for learning - students analyze effective study and learning strategies
  • Academic - students strive toward academic excellence with study habits and effort
  • Rewarding - students gain a love for science and learning for life

Community Service/Volunteer Resources:

Volunteer picture

Volunteer Match - Search by zip code (area) and keyword
OneOC - Clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities and non-profit organization information. Provides daily, weekly, and monthly calendars of volunteer events; also searchable by location
  • ServeNet - Search by zip code (area)
  • County of Orange Volunteer Opportunities - everything from election day poll workers to environmental projects (Note: for many projects you must be age 18)
  • Recycling at Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church - Come and help recycle the 2nd Saturday of every month in the lower church parking lot at 21682 Lake Forest Drive, Lake Forest, 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. (949)951-8599
  • Eco Surf Volunteers Beach Clean-ups - This volunteer organization stages beach clean-ups throughout the year along our coastline. Check their website for the next scheduled activities.
  • Surfrider Foundation Saturday Beach Clean-ups - Volunteers are needed for Saturday beach clean-ups each month. Bags and gloves are provided. For further information, visit their or call (949) 206-2523.
  • South County Outreach - Call Don Ruff, Volunteer Coordinator at (949) 380-8144, ext. 206 to check on volunteer opportunities. SC Outreach is located at 26776 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
  • Second Harvest Food Bank - Numerous opportunities are available to assist with feeding the hungry in Orange County. Sorting and labeling is an easy way to start. Kids of all ages can plant seeds, pick weeds, and harvest at the Incredible Edible Park in Irvine. Check the organization's website for information.
  • South County Safe Rides (SCSR) - Non-profit organization, sanctioned by the Boy Scouts of America and based out of Mission Hospital, that provides a safe and confidential ride home to youth in need.
  • Families Forward - An non-profit community organization dedicated to helping homeless and low-income families in Orange County become self-sufficient.
  • Rise Against Hunger®  Rotary club has sponsored the event and last year packed approximately 20,000 meals that were distributed to needy communities world wide...yes, it can be done!  Join us and see how! WHEN:SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024 WHERE: NORMAN P. MURRAY COMMUNITY CENTER, 24932 VETERANS WAY, MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 WHAT TIME: 7:30  A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. (SEE SHIFTS BELOW) QUESTIONS? Contact Rotarian James Hansen at: 1.  SET-UP - FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M.; OR 2.  PACKING - FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.; OR 3.  CLEAN-UP - FROM 12:00 P.M. TO 1:30 P..M.; OR SIGN UP FOR TWO OR MORE SHIFTS IF YOU CAN! 

Your Brain and Nutrition:

Understanding how food affects your mood by Dr. Kristen Allott ND, MS

Keep Your Panic Attacks In Check with Nutrition


Mental Health Resources:

  • Our school uses SOS (Signs of Suicide), a suicide prevention program that educates students about the relationship between suicide and depression. We encourage all students to seek help from trusted adults whether they have concerns about themselves or a friend using the ACT® message.

  • Signs of Suicide - Parents

  • No login required. The parent portal is designed to provide information about the mindwise program, suicide prevention efforts, and helpful tools for supporting your student’s mental health. There are also new resources to support your child’s mental health during Covid-19.

  • SVUSD Mental Health Resources
  • BILY (Because I Love You) Weekly Parent Support
  • Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center
Didi Hirsch 24-hour Crisis Line
  • 1-800-273-8255
Teen Line
  • Teens helping teens 6pm - 10pm nightly (Didi Hirsch crisis line answers all other hours)
  • 310-855-4673 or text TEEN to 839863
24-hour Suicide Prevention Line
  • 877 - 7 CRISIS (877-727-4747)

Additional Community Resources: 

community resources

How to Use AERIES:

How to Use AERIES and Calculate Your G.P.A

How to Access Report Cards in AERIES:

How to Access Grades in AERIES:

How to Access Your Student Gmail Account:

How to Check Assignments in Google Classroom:

Other Helpful Tools:

Tutoring Options:

Academic Resources:

Parent Resources:

  • Parents in HighSchooland by Karyn Rashoff - 33 years of dedicated work as a high school guidance counselor taught author Karyn Rashoff to analyze and resolve the complex interactions among students, their teachers, and their parents. Her nearly 20,000 counseling interactions point to specific behaviors for school success that parents can use at home.

Parents in HighSchooland book cover



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