Serrano Intermediate School

Serrano school gym


Meet Your Serrano School Counseling Staff:

School Counselor Bitmojis

Need To Talk With Your School Counselor?:
We are the School Counselors at Serrano Intermediate School. Our hours are 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM. The best way to contact us is by e-mail, as most of our time is spent with direct student contact. We do our best to return all phone calls within 24 hours. Please encourage your child to utilize us as a resource. We are here for you! 


Your Guidance Technician:

Mrs. Cynthia Reynoso, 949-586-3221, ext: 232007

Mrs. Reynoso can assist you with any questions or concerns you have regarding:

  • Records requests
  • Enrolling your student at Serrano
  • Dis-enrolling your student
  • Change in your address or phone number
  • On-line grading
  • Your student's schedule

Contact Information

Mrs. Tamara (Tami) Bean

Mrs. Tamara (Tami) Bean

8th Grade School Counselor
Nikole Florin-Smith

Nikole Florin-Smith

7th Grade School Counselor
Cynthia Reynoso

Cynthia Reynoso

8th Grade Student Services Technician

Mental Health Assistance:

 If you are experiencing a crisis or mental health emergency call 911 or utilize the crisis response numbers below. Do not email or text school personnel for urgent or emergency situations. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 988 (call or text)

Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741 

Please email your counselor for assistance. If you would like information, resources or support with non-emergency mental health, see SVUSD Mental Health Resources.

School Counselors are available to support students with academics, college & career planning and social-emotional concerns during regular school business hours.