Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

California Junior Scholastic Federation (CJSF)

California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is a state-wide organization of over 600 chapters that fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship. CJSF is an organization to support the recognition, motivation, and education of academically talented students.

CJSF grooms a student for CSF membership in high school. Membership also brings with it the opportunity to participate in activities which benefit the school, the community, and the student. For those who are members for 2 trimesters of both 7th AND 8th grades - pins, certificates, and Honor Member status may be earned. If a student continues CSF membership in high school, the prestigious status of being a Lifetime Member can be earned. This is a title that will make college applications more impressive, will earn a CSF gold seal on a high school diploma, and gives a student the distinction of wearing a gold sash over graduation robes (depending on the high school).

For more information about CJSF at RSM please visit the RSM CJSF Website