Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Physical Education

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Physical Education 7

The state framework, Healthy Kids/Healthy California, is the basis for the course standards in grades 7 and 8.  The focus is on physical fitness and skills development in a variety of team and individual sports and recreational activities.  An emphasis is placed on working cooperatively, following directions, playing safely, and living healthy.  Students will evaluate their fitness level and learn techniques to improve areas of weakness. Locks and lockers are provided in the locker rooms.

Physical Education/Health 8

The state framework, Healthy Kids/Healthy California, is the basis for the PE course in grade 8.  The focus is on physical fitness and skills development in a variety of team and individual sports and recreational activities.  An emphasis is placed on working collaboratively, following directions, playing safely, and living healthy.  Students will evaluate their fitness level and learn techniques to improve areas of weakness. Locks and lockers are provided in the locker room.

The health education component of Healthy Kids/Healthy California is integrated into the physical education program during grade 8.  Units of study are designed to develop knowledge that will enable students to choose healthful behaviors that avoid risk situations.  These include building relationships within and outside the family, caring for the human body, human growth and development, and coping with health problems in a contemporary society.  Drug, alcohol, and tobacco awareness studies empower students to develop improved decision-making skills.

Unified Physical Education (PE)

Join our growing Unified program! This trimester class is designed to promote inclusion and end the stigma around disabilities. Unified PE joins students with and without disabilities in the same class while differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students. By providing opportunities for social inclusion, students gain understanding, become more accepting, treat others with respect, and create new friendships. 

Unified PE has the same standards as the PE 7 and PE 8 classes, but with an extra layer of inclusion. We are looking for students who are positive role models that are willing to work with all students. 

Unified PE takes the place of the student's regular daily PE class. It is not an elective class.

Visit the PE Website for additional information, including the syllabus and locker room do's and don'ts