Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School


Mental Health Assistance

If you are experiencing a crisis or mental health emergency call 911 or utilize the crisis response numbers below. Do not email or text school personnel for urgent or emergency situations. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call or text 988

Need To Talk With Your School Counselor?

Please complete the Student-School Counselor Check In Form below or email your counselor for assistance. School Counselors are available to support students with academics, college & career planning and social-emotional concerns during regular school business hours. If you would like information, resources or support with non-emergency mental health, see SVUSD Mental Health Resources.

Need help talking to your child about COVID-19? Here is a parent resource.

Complete the Student-School Counselor Check In Form

Counseling Team

RSM Counseling Team

7th Grade Counselor - Ms. Karley Blake ext 243369, blakek@svusd.org

8th Grade Counselor - Mrs. Lynnette Bills ext 243364, billsl@svusd.org

We are the counselors at RSM Intermediate School. Our hours are 7:45AM - 4:00PM. The best way to contact us is by e-mail, since most of our time is spent with direct student contact. We do our best to return all phone calls within 24 hours. Please encourage your student to utilize us as a resource.

Student Services Technician

7th Grade - Mrs. Robin Friedman, ext 243362, friedmanr@svusd.org
8th Grade - Mrs. Erika Reed, ext 243363, reede@svusd.org

Student Services Technicians can assist you with any questions or concerns you have regarding:
  • Enrolling your student at RSM
  • Dis-enrolling your student
  • Change in your address or phone number (please submit two proofs of residency - mortgage/lease, gas, water, or electric)
  • Your student's schedule

SVUSD School Counseling infographic