Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Flex Time

The purpose of FlexTime is to provide students with time to receive additional academic support, work with a teacher on assignments, complete homework, and to make-up missing assignments and tests. Research indicates that interventions yield most successful outcomes when they are integrated into daily practice, school culture and seek to engage all staff. 

Priority Day Schedule

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Science/Elective English Math History/PE

The subject that has priority for the day will have priority over the non-priority subject. For example, Science stamped a student for Thursday, however, Math also needs that student on Thursday. Math’s priority day is Thursday, so the Math teacher’s stamp would trump Science’s stamp. Teachers may stamp any day, you may just be trump by the priority subject.

FlexTime Expectations 

  • All students will report to a classroom for academic support. Students with the Flex Pass sticker may attend tutorial in the lower amphitheater (see Flex Pass below)
  • Students may not leave the room during Flex time to use the restroom, borrow a book from a teacher, ask someone a question, and so on, so plan accordingly!
  • If you are requested (stamped) you MUST ATTEND! No Show to Flex Time could result in a lunch detention

Green and Red Signs

  • GREEN (OPEN SESSION): Anyone is welcome to attend an open session until the class is full
  • RED (CLOSED/FULL): Only those students invited by the teacher may attend or the class has reached capacity

Checking planners 

  • At the start of Flex Time, all teachers check planners to ensure students are not stamped for another class. If a student is trying to attend one class, but is stamped for a different teacher, the teacher will send that student to the correct location.
  • If you do not have a planner, you must go to the library

Stamping Rules

  • Staff who want a particular student in a specific tutorial have the option to stamp the bottom part of the planner for that day using their last name stamp
  • Students who “no show” may be assigned a lunch detention by the teacher

Flex Pass

  • At the start of every trimester, the top 20% of students based on their GPA, citizenship, and work habits will have the opportunity to have FlexTime outside in the amphitheater 
  • Students will have their planners out showing their Flex Pass sticker 
  • Students must be silent, on task, and doing work independently
  • Administration may revoke the Flex Pass eligibility at any time
  • There will be no replacement stickers

How to Make an Appointment for FlexTime
