Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School

Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School


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How to Report an Absence

To report your student’s absence or tardiness, you have three options:

  1. Email:
    Send an email to RSMAttendance@svusd.org with the details of the absence.
  2. Phone:
    Call (949) 459-8253, then select Prompt #1 to leave a voicemail with the absence details.
  3. Respond to Parent Square Messages:
    If you receive a notification or message about your student’s absence via Parent Square, please respond directly to confirm or provide further details.

Important Reminders:

  • Please report absences before 9:00 AM on the day your student will be absent or late.
  • You have 3 days to verify an absence. After 3 days, the absence will be marked as truant.


Early Dismissal Process for Parents and Students

To ensure a smooth early dismissal process, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Submit a Note:
    Your student must bring a note to school that includes the following:
    • Student’s full name
    • Time of dismissal
    • Reason for early dismissal
    • Name of the person picking them up
      The note should be submitted to the attendance window before school starts or at snack time.
  2. Early Dismissal Slip:
    After the note is submitted, the student will receive an Early Dismissal Slip. This slip must be shown to the classroom teacher at the time of dismissal. Without this slip, it may take longer for the student to meet you in the front office.
  3. Picking Up Your Student:
    When you arrive to pick up your student, please:
    • Bring a valid ID.
    • Sign your student out at the Attendance Office.
  4. Flex Time:
    Please note that students cannot be released during Flex Time (Tuesday to Friday, 12:07 PM – 12:31 PM), unless prior arrangements have been made using the early dismissal form.
  5. No Phone Calls or Emails:
    Phone calls or emails will not be accepted for early dismissals. Only notes submitted in person will be processed.