Saddleback Valley Unified School District supports a strong Ethics Policy, which deals with students who cheat on tests, class or homework, or plagiarize on assignments. All tests, quizzes, reports, assignments and any school related test are subject to this policy. Cheating includes looking at or copying another student’s paper, or talking during an exam. Using technology or other sources to get or give others answers is also prohibited. Helping another student cheat on an exam or assignment is also a violation of the Ethics Policy if it has been made clear by the instructors that students are to work on their own. Violation of this policy will result in the following consequences:
1st Offense
- Automatic "0” or “F” on the assignment or test.
- Teacher contacts parent with details of offense and explains consequences and contract.
- Student sent to the assistant principal and referral placed in student file.
- Trimester citizenship grade may be lowered in the class where the violation occurred.
- Student is placed on probation for the remainder of the school year.
- Student signs Ethics Policy Contract, copy goes home for parent signature, and teachers are notified.
- If the Ethics Policy violation occurs in a student aide class, the student may be transferred to another elective.
2nd Offense
(Either in the same class as the first offense or the second time the student violates the Ethics Policy during the same school year)
- Automatic “0” or “F” on assignment or test.
- Trimester academic grade in the class where the second offense occurred will be lowered one grade level. Student assigned "U” in citizenship and work habits in the class where the second offense occurred.
- Referral placed in student discipline file and teachers are notified.
- Parent conference with assistant principal, student, and teacher.
- Student removed from any and all elected or appointed leadership positions for the remainder of the school year.
- If the Ethics Policy violation occurs in a student aide class, the student will be transferred from that class with grade of “F”.
- Student will be assigned one day of in-school suspension.
3rd Offense
(Either in the same class as the first or second offenses or the third time the student violates the Ethics Policy during the same school year)
- Automatic “0” on assignment or test.
- Trimester academic grade in the class where the third offense occurred will be lowered by one grade level. Student assigned a “U” in citizenship and work habits.
- Student may be transferred from the class.
- Referral placed in discipline file.
- Parent conference with assistant principal, student, and teacher.
- Student suspended home for 1 day.