7th Grade
Textbook used: Medieval to Early Modern Times, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2006.
Additional sources are selected by the teachers to enhance the curriculum.
The 7th grade units of study address the year-long inquiry question: How did the distant regions of the World become more interconnected through time?
- Thinking like a Historian
- Islamic World
- West African Civilizations
- China
- Japan
- Europe
- Americas
8th Grade
Textbook used: United States History Independence to 1914, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2006.
Additional sources are selected by the teachers to enhance the curriculum.
The 8th grade units of study address the year-long inquiry question: What does Freedom mean to the Nation's founders and how did it change over time?
- Colonial Era
- Revolutionary Era
- Constitution Unit
- New Nation
- Age of Jackson
- Westward Expansion
- North and South
- Causes of the Civil War
- Civil War
- Reconstruction Unit
- Industrial Revolution