Policies & Procedures
Student Handbook
Pick Up and Drop Off Map & Information
Dropping off and picking up students at La Paz has always been a difficult endeavor due to traffic congestion. Please be patient and courteous by adhering to the following rules, guidelines, and suggestions. Please be a role model.
Students may be dropped off/picked up in the green loading and unloading zone on Pradera; please do not park, load, or unload in the red zone. Pull forward as far as possible.
Students may also be dropped off/picked up in the designated area in the parking lot in front of the school, not in the red curb areas. Please pull forward as far as possible before stopping. Doing so speeds up the flow of traffic considerably.
Traffic Rules
Please follow these traffic rules when picking up or dropping off (see back of handbook for visual):
Step 1
Make a right turn in from Pradera Drive. No left turns from Pradera are permitted.*
Step 2
All traffic is one way. Both the left and right lanes are open to traffic.
Step 3
Pull forward along the front of the school, passing the MPR
Step 4
Double check that your child has all of his/her belongings. Please remind your child to watch for traffic as he/she leaves or enters your vehicle.
Step 5
Look for pedestrians and other cars as you merge into one lane.
Step 6
Follow the loop around the outside of the parking lot.
Step 7
Make a right turn onto Pradera Dr. No left turns are permitted.*
Additional Information
Parents can minimize wait time by dropping student’s off between 7:40 a.m. and 7:50 a.m. During this window of time it usually takes only 1 to 2 minutes to complete the loop. When picking up a student, parents may want to consider arriving between 3:05 p.m. and 3:20 p.m. (Tuesday through Friday).
Please note that if you are planning on dropping off your child between 7:55 a.m. and 8:10 a.m., the traffic loop is highly congested. Expect delays of 10-20 minutes or even longer during the first two weeks of school. The same congestion occurs in the afternoon between 2:40 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Arrange alternate drop off and pick up points with your child. It is often easier and faster for your child to walk the remaining distance than to drive through the traffic loop.
Please do not park or drop off on the uphill side of Pradera Drive as it is unsafe for children to cross the street at that location.
*Please note that all traffic laws are enforced by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Please avoid problems by following the law and in particular, by talking to your child about jaywalking. It is important to us that your child and all of our La Paz students are safe.