Newsletter 10/14/24
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 14 @ 6pm in the MPR (Multi Tiered System of Support/Positive Behavior Parent Night)
Tuesday, October 15 @ Flex (Student Senate Meeting)
Tuesday, October 15 @ 4pm (Boys Water Polo vs Mission Viejo)
Wednesday, October 16 @ Lunch in the library (College & Financial Aid Support Workshop)
Wednesday, October 16 @ 3pm (Girls golf vs Mission Viejo)
Wednesday, October 16 @ 7pm (2024 THHS Fall Instrumental Concert)
Thursday, October 17 @ Flex (Disaster Drill)
Thursday, October 17 @ 3pm (Girls Golf vs El Toro)
Thursday, October 17 @ 3pm (Girls Golf vs Capo Valley)
Thursday, October 17 @ 6pm in the library (Coffee with the Principal) - Submit a Question
Friday, October 18 @ 2nd period in the MPR (THHS 2024 IB Theory of Knowledge Exhibition Day)
Friday, October 18 @ 7pm (Football vs Capo Valley) - Get Tickets
Saturday, October 19 @ 8am (Orange County Cross Country Championship)
THHS Office Hours:
Our office hours are from 7:15 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Principal's Message
Dear Mustang Families,
We had a fantastic Homecoming week last week, filled with school spirit and excitement. A big congratulations to our Homecoming Royalty, Spencer James and Yasna Talle! Their enthusiasm truly captured the essence of our school community.
Looking ahead, this Friday we will host a Pink Out at our home football game against Capo Valley. Let’s show our support and wear pink to raise awareness!
In addition, here’s a rundown of our varsity sports in action this week:
- Tuesday: Water Polo at 4 PM
- Wednesday: Golf at 3 PM
- Thursday: Golf at 3 PM, Water Polo at 5 PM
- Saturday: Cross Country at the Orange County Championships
Please also note that we will conduct a disaster drill this Thursday during Flex. It’s essential for our preparedness and safety.
Lastly, the AP Exam ordering window is now open. Be sure to register for your exams!
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead!
Ms. Alicia Foulk
Please feel free to e-mail: or call our attendance line, (949) 460-2707 when your student will be absent for any portion of the day. These options are both available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Thank you for taking the time to notify us any time your student will be absent from school.
First time users must register for an account.
Student Store Open during snack and lunch only (not open at Flex)
THHS MTSS-SEB Parent Night
2024-2025 Important Dates
Online Exam registration will begin on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 8:00am and end on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 11:59pm.
The AP exam registration process has two steps, but both can be completed in one sitting when the student and parent do this together. Even if you do not plan to take the AP exam, you need to complete both steps to access the College Board’s AP resources.
Both steps must be completed in order to have an AP exam ordered.
Step 1:
Begin the process by registering with Total Registration. Indicate the AP courses you are taking this year and the exams you wish to take. You will receive your join codes and directions to complete the second required step. Any exam fees will be paid online so be sure to have a debit or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment.
Step 2:
Use the join codes provided at the completion of step one to enroll the student’s AP courses and exams in the College Board’s system.
Please note: both of the above steps must be completed in order to have an exam(s) ordered.
This year each AP exam costs $110.00. Trabuco Hills High School desires that every student be able to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Kimberly Lindsay, in the Guidance office to learn more.
Upcoming Parent/Student Nights:
Sophomore Parent Night - October 23, 2024 @ 6pm in the MPR
Signs of Suicide Parent Night - November 4, 2024
Homecoming Royalty
Congratulations to Spencer James and Yasna Talle!
We are thrilled to announce that they have been selected as our 2024 THHS Homecoming Royalty! Their enthusiasm and spirit truly shine, and we couldn't be happier for them.
Let’s keep the positive energy flowing as we celebrate this exciting moment together. Here’s to a fantastic Homecoming season filled with connection and inclusivity!
THHS Yearbook
Senior Portraits
Homecoming Photos Wanted!
Do you have great memories from Homecoming? Share your photos with the THHS Yearbook team!
Upload your pictures to using the code THHS.
Let’s capture all the amazing moments together! Thank you for contributing to our yearbook!
THHS Med-Sci Program
Celebrate senior night with boys' water polo, then enjoy dinner in support of Med-Sci at Raising Cane's in Foothill Ranch on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
THHS Model United Nations Fundraiser
Support THHS Model United Nations by participating in the Chipotle fundraiser! It will take place Saturday, October 19th from 4:00pm-8:00pm at Chipotle on 23645 El Toro Road, Lake Forest. Follow @officialthhsmun on instagram for more details.
PTSA is excited to offer students the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming ACT by offering a practice test and bootcamp.The two bootcamps are Saturday, October 12 from 9:00-3:30 and Saturday, October 19 from 8:00-12:30.
PTSA Reflections
This year’s Reflection program theme is, Accepting Imperfection. Tell your story through dance, a short film, a poem or story, an original song, a photo or visual work of art.
Entries are due by October 21st.
Sports Recap
Students: As a reminder, backpacks, food, or drinks are not allowed in the student section during sporting events. Also, any signs must be positive in nature and not displaying any negative messages towards opponents, innuendo, or inappropriate language. Please remember to only chant positive cheers for our team. Thank you.
Girls Cross Country
Our Girls Varsity Cross Country team, currently ranked #1 in the CIF-SS, along with Santiago HS of Corona, will race the Orange County Cross Country Championships this weekend, in the Sweepstakes Race, at Oak Canyon Park in Silverado Canyon. Best of luck to all 62 girls racing.
Boys Cross Country
The boys XC Team finished 3rd in the Varsity Large School race at the Clovis Invitational on Saturday. Senior Dylan Jubak led the team with a 4th place finish in a time of 15:20. Ziyad Abdallah finished 2nd for the team in 15:28 and Sebastian Bello, Lucan Clemons, and Aedan Clarke also ran personal bests to help the team to a solid finish. The boys team will race at the Orange County Championships this Saturday at Oak Canyon Park in Silverado.
Girls Beach Volleyball
Attention Beach Volleyball Girls!
Please fill out the attached google form for your interest in our new Beach Volleyball Program. We will be following up with tryout information for the upcoming Spring Season.
Thank you,
Beach Volleyball Interest Form
Winter Golf League
Mustang Golf will sponsor the Saddleback Valley Junior Winter Golf League at Oso Creek Golf Course focusing on the development of skills and competitive play. All returning players (girls & boys) and new players are welcome.
Sign-ups will open on the student webstore on Monday, October 7th. Sign up early to secure your spot. Sign-ups will close on Oct 25th so that tee times can be secured and polo shirts can be ordered.
This camp will also serve as an alternative to tryouts and better enable coaches to evaluate players and determine their rosters.
All players are strongly encouraged to participate in SVJG League winter play.
Winter League
Winter league is being offered after our success this summer. It’s mostly for returning players but newcomers are welcome. Winter league play will consist of 8 rounds of golf at Oso Creek Golf Course. All rounds designed to develop team chemistry and practice the fundamentals of golf. The entire schedule is below and we play as many holes as we can get in before sunset (about 2 hours). The cost for participating in the winter league is $250 (the course charges us to play and use facilities) and
this includes a polo shirt. Sign up on the student webstore by 10/25.
Saddleback Valley Golf Junior League Sign Up
If you have questions, you may contact Michael Woods via email at
Winter League Schedule
- 10/30 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 6:00
- 11/6 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 4:55
- 11/13 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 4:50
- 11/20 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 4:45
- 1/8 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 5:00
- 1/15 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 5:05
- 1/22 SVJG Winter League tee time 2:50 pm (arrive 2:40) Sunset: 5:15
Athletic Clearance Steps
Steps to get cleared to participate in Athletics at Trabuco Hills High School:
Athletic Clearance Instructions
1.) Go to
2.) Register / Create an account under 2024-2025 school year (if you have an existing account- log in and update to 2024-2025. Update any new information and upload a current medical eligibility form)
3.) Print off medical eligibility paper work (THHS Website/Athletics/Athletic Clearance)
4.) Upload the medical eligibility form completed by physician.
5.) MUST be signed, stamped, dated, and have a recommendation by physician (only need to upload the last page- see sample form below)
Need an Athletic Screening?
Please look out for a link in the coming weeks. Our signing day ceremony will occur on November 13th during our flex time schedule.
Please complete the following form if you are an athlete participating in National Signing Day. Thank you!
Fall College Athletic Commitment Celebration Form
No. An institution is strictly prohibited from allowing you to sign an NLI if you are a non-scholarship walk-on. In order for an NLI to be considered valid, it must be accompanied by an athletics financial aid award letter, which lists the terms and conditions of the award, including the amount of the financial aid. The athletics financial aid offer must be signed by both the prospective student-athlete and his or her parent or legal guardian. Simply put, there must be an athletics scholarship for an NLI to be valid.
College sweatshirt and appropriate school attire.
651 NCAA Division I and II institutions are NLI members. Not NLI members: Ivy League, Service Academies, Division III institutions, NAIA institutions, preparatory schools and two-year colleges. All members of the NLI program are required to offer athletics scholarships.
Trabuco Hills 2024 Fall Instrumental Concert
The 2024-2025 Trabuco Hills High School String Orchestra, 2024-2025 Trabuco Hills High School Symphonic Band, and 2024-2025 Trabuco Hills High School Jazz Ensemble will make their performance debut for this school year at the 2024 Fall Concert @ Trabuco Hills High School Gymnasium in Mission Viejo, California on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 starting at 7:00pm. Come out to listen to these talented musicians and ensembles play several pieces.
Students of the Month
Max Alshuk
Ms. Carmona is proud to recognize Max as this month’s Student of the Month! Max consistently stands out in math class, bringing a bright smile and a positive attitude every day.
He is not only responsible but also an enthusiastic participant, regularly collaborating with his classmates and sharing insightful solutions. It’s truly a pleasure to have Max in class, and his dedication to learning inspires those around him. Congratulations, Max! Keep up the fantastic work!
Penelope Laue
Ms. Carmona is delighted to announce Penelope as this month’s Student of the Month! Penelope is truly a remarkable student in math, consistently staying on task and ready to learn.
She actively engages in class discussions, asks insightful questions, and generously shares her knowledge with her peers. Her kindness and willingness to help others make her a joy to have in class. Congratulations, Penelope! Your dedication and persistence are inspiring!
Say Something Reporting System
Say Something is an anonymous reporting system to let us know of potentially dangerous/harmful situations. Students/families may make a report by calling 1-844-5-SAYNOW, through the website at, or by downloading the Say Something App.
Mission Viejo Community of Character - October
High School Student Volunteer Program
Join us for an overview of the Orange County Registrar of Voters High School
Student Volunteer Program. Find out how students can get involved in the
elections process while earning community service hours and a stipend of $120.
Applications close October 7, 2024. Apply early for the opportunity to
volunteer for the upcoming Presidential General Election. Positions will be on a
first come, first serve basis.
High School Volunteer Program Description
Girls Inc.
Orange County Department of Education Apprentice Program