Student Parking
2023-2024 Student Parking Information
Rules and Guidelines
In order to maintain safety and to protect the property and lives of our students and staff, the following parking procedures have been established by the Saddleback Valley Unified School District and the MVHS school administration.
Students can only park in Student Parking Lots with a purchased parking permit.
Students are NOT permitted to park in ANY Faculty/ Staff Parking Lot until after 3:00 pm. Vehicles may be towed on the first offense.
No parking on any red curbs or adjacent to planters.
Visitors must park in the designated visitor parking area with a valid visitor parking permit.
All cars must be parked in marked stalls only. Parking in an unmarked area will be considered
a parking violation and the vehicle may be towed.
Students are not allowed to be parked in the following areas: on campus, on the basketball courts adjacent to the fields and tennis courts, visitor & staff identified areas/lots, and by the baseball fields.
The speed limit on campus roads and in the parking lot is 10 mph.
All vehicles should be locked at all times. SVUSD is not responsible for theft, damage, vandalism etc.
There will be no parking allowed at the north end of the campus (Agriculture Farm and Tech. Ed. area) except students with Auto Shop permits. These cars must be parked in the stalls provided.
Bikes and mopeds must be locked and parked in the Bike Rack area located near the large gym. If parked anywhere else on campus, the locks may be cut off and the bikes impounded.
Inappropriate use of a vehicle in a school parking lot could result in the loss of parking lot use and privileges. In addition, Saturday School could be assigned.
13. Use of a motor vehicle to harm, attempt to harm, or threaten to harm an individual, another motor vehicle in the school parking lot, or a school facility is an action that will be referred to law enforcement personnel in addition to school administration.
14. Parking permits are required to park on MVHS campus. There is a fee to purchase a parking permit either on a semester or yearly basis. A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. It only grants the right of the driver to park on the campus. Lost or stolen permits will NOT be reissued and a replacement permit cannot be purchased. Permits are not transferable! Purchasing a permit from another student is not permissible.
15. MVHS Parking Permits do not authorize students to park on permitted residential streets.
16. Hours of enforcement for parking lots will be every school day until 3:00 PM. Parking permits must be displayed and visible while parking in the school parking lot.
17. The upper parking lot, by the stadium will be open parking for all students after lunch, with or without a parking permit.
18. Forgery of parking permits will result in confiscation of forged permit and student will not be allowed to park on campus for one calendar school year.
Please note that students with repeated parking lot violations throughout campus can and will have their cars towed at the owner’s expense.
(Students who own an MVHS parking permit):
First Offense – Violation Notice, vehicle may be towed. Second Offense – Violation Notice, Saturday School assigned, and vehicle may be towed.
Third Offense – Vehicle will be towed.
Fourth Offense – Saturday School assigned and permit will be revoked for the remainder of the year.
(Students who DO NOT own an MVHS parking permit):
First Offense – Violation Notice, vehicle may be towed. Second Offense – Vehicle will be towed.