Welcome Message:
The Mission Viejo High School Guidance team would like to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year. We look forward to this new year and are excited to continue to offer a data-driven Comprehensive School Counseling Program. Counselors work with ALL students, families, faculty and staff to help students achieve optimal personal growth,acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals and realize their full academic potential. School Counselors design and deliver school counseling programs that improve student outcomes. We support our students within the Academic, College and Career, and the Social Emotional Learning domains using ”The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs”.
Student Service Technicians |
School Counselors |
Work in collaboration with counselors to support all students with student enrollments and withdrawals, student records management, registration, scheduling, and graduation status tracking. |
Provide full support for students supporting academic achievement strategies, managing their emotions, and applying interpersonal skills, and planning for postsecondary options. |