Mission Viejo High School

School campus


Please note that MVHS does NOT have a “Call-In” attendance system.

Doctor's notes and attendance questions may be sent to MVHSAttendance@svusd.org

Absences/Early Dismissals – Parents/Guardians must email MVHSattendance@svusd.org or send in a hand-written note if your student is going to be absent or to request an early dismissal. Please provide the following information in the email/note.

  • Student's first and last name.
  • Grade
  • Reason for the absence(s).
  • Exact date(s) of absence.
  • Period(s) that will be missed and or time to be released.
  • If the absence is due to a scheduled doctor/dental appointment please attach the doctor’s note to the email.  If no verification is made, the absence is reflected as personal.

***If notification of an absence is not received within 3 days, the absence will be coded as a truancy.

If a student is marked absent in error:

If you receive an auto call that your child has missed one or more periods, you may view your student's attendance through the parent/student portal. Your student must resolve the absence directly with the teacher if the absence is believed to be in error. Get a blue correction slip from the teacher and bring it to the attendance office in order to correct.

Contact Information:
