Yes. If a performer is under 18 years and unable to attend his or her regular school, the employer must provide a studio teacher to teach during school days. In addition, the studio teacher is present on the set with minors on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and during vacations. The studio teacher, in addition to teaching, has the responsibility for attending to the health, safety, and morals of minors under 16 years of age while the minors are employed by the entertainment industry. The studio teacher may refuse to allow the use of a minor on a set or location, if , in the judgment of the studio teacher, conditions are such as to present a danger to the health, safety, or morals of the minor.
For the complete set of laws governing youth employment in the State of California, please visit the State of California website . You can find a pamphlet from the State of California Department of Industrial Relations that covers definitions of minors along with wages, hours of work allowed, types of employment allowed by age, restricted and prohibited occupations, and penalties for violating these laws.