Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE prepares learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.
The CTE Graduation Medallion is awarded to those who have received a minimum grade of B in three CTE classes taken in a chosen pathway.
College credit available with denoted courses (*)
CTE Classes Offered at ETHS
- Architecture Pathway
- Arts, Media and Entertainment Pathway
- Automotive Pathway
- Computer Science Pathway
- Digital Media Arts Pathway
- Engineering Pathway
- Photography Pathway
- Additional CTE Offerings
Architecture Pathway
Arts, Media and Entertainment Pathway
Automotive Pathway
Computer Science Pathway
Digital Media Arts Pathway
Engineering Pathway
Photography Pathway
Additional CTE Offerings
Automotive Arts
Digital Media Arts (DMA) Video