Are you a new student or continuing student to SVUSD?
- A new student is someone who will attend any school in SVUSD for the first time.
- A continuing student is someone who attended any school in SVUSD during the past school year.
Registration / Bullring / Data Confirmation
- New Students
- Creating a Family Portal Account
- All Students: Data Confirmation
- All Students: Bullring On-Campus Registration Procedures
- Important Documents
- First Day of 1st Semester School Procedures
New Students
Registration Information for Incoming Students from Private or Out-of District Schools for 2024-2025
Step One: Collect documents
Gather the following documentation, required for all new student registration:
- Two proofs of address (current gas, electric or water bill, mortgage statement or lease agreement – no phone bills or credit statements, please)
- A copy of the student’s current transcript, or withdrawal /exit grades from current school or grade report (cannot be placed or registered into classes without)
- A copy of the student’s immunization record or yellow immunization card. Please note: effective September 10, 2010, state law requires that all students have the pertussis booster prior to attending school in California.
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate
Step Two: Register on Aeries
Log on to Aeries Online Enrollment and follow the prompts, entering data related to your student. Once you’ve completed the on-line registration process, you’ll need to print two copies; bring one to your registration appointment and keep the other for your records.
Step Three: Make an appointment with a counselor
Please schedule an appointment with your counselor if you are registering for the 2023-2024 school year.
Documentation listed above can be emailed to guidance. If you are unable to scan/email your documents please contact your guidance counselor.
Student Assignment by Last Name | Counselor | Counselor Email | Counselor Office # |
Hannah Cognetti |
949.586.6333 x. 236108
Kami Kurisu
949.586.6333 x. 236125
Herr-Mom | Carlyn Morones | carlyn.morones@svusd.org |
949.586.6333 x. 236149 |
Dionne Coleman
949.586.6333 x. 236145
S - Z
Dasha O'Neil |
949.586.6333 x. 236124
Creating a Family Portal Account
The SVUSD Family Portal is a secure and private online resource that provides access to your child's emergency contact list, grades (from participating teachers), report cards and test scores.
Steps to create a new Family Portal account
You will need the following information to complete your account creation:
- Student's permanent six-digit ID number
- Phone number, must match the submitted phone number from AIR (Aeries Internet Registration)
- VPC (Verification Passcode) can be found on student grade report mailed home or contact the Guidance Office.
You must have a valid email address to use the Family Portal. If you do not have one, please create an account using any service online and return back to start the process.
From the Family Portal icon, select "Create New Account" and follow the additional steps.
Account type - select Parent Account (you must have a parent account to complete the data confirmation and re-registration process).
Account information - enter and verify your email address and create/verify a password.
Confirm your email account - go to your email inbox and retrieve the confirmation email along with the "VPC" (Verification Passcode).
You will receive an email verification code once you account is created.
Emergency Contact Verification - once your student has been added to your account, choose the record that represents you and your Family Portal account will be updated.
All Students: Data Confirmation
The window to complete Data Confirmation has closed for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact the school to make any changes.
Step 1 - Create Account on Family Portal
Create a SVUSD Parent Portal Account through the SVUSD Family Portal. If you already have an active Parent account, proceed to the next step:
Please see the procedures to create a Family Portal account
Step 2 - Complete Data Confirmation
Confirm the data you submitted in the AERIES Parent Portal. Follow all prompts and tabs within the Data Confirmation pages. In the Data Confirmation window, you will need to do the following:
- Review and update demographic data
- Review all documents within the Bullring Registration module
- Print documents that apply to you/needed by you
- Print and complete the Student Emergency Card
- Print and complete the Annual Notification Form
Review the Data Confirmation instructions for parents (Spanish)
Complete the new electronic SVUSD Dance Contract
Step 3 Web Store Purchases
Complete El Toro Web Store items in the online webstore. Please review the items available for purchase:
- ASB Cards - ASB Card Benefits Information
- Student Store Items 2024-25
- El Toro planner/organizer
- Yearbooks
- Spirit Wear
- Senior Spirit Wear
- PE Clothes
- Locks (Must use ETHS locks for all lockers on campus)
- Parking permits (Juniors & Seniors only)
Be sure to bring a copy of your Web Store purchase receipt to Bullring On-Campus Registration.
**The ASB Web Store will be updated with 2024-2025 items on July 25, 2024**
Step 4 Bullring Registration
Arrive to the El Toro Campus on your designated date and time and complete the Bullring Registration. Bring the following required documents with you to start and complete the Bullring Registration:
- Completed Student Emergency Card
- Completed Annual Notification Form
- Yellow postcard (received in the mail) for address verification purposes
- El Toro Web Store receipt (only if purchasing items)
- South Coast Photographic receipt (only if purchasing photos)
Note: you will not be able to participate in Bullring Registration and pick up your preliminary class schedule unless AERIES Data Confirmation is completed.
Also refer to Bullring On-Campus Registration Procedures below.
All Students: Bullring On-Campus Registration Procedures
Bullring On-Campus Registration
Please review the following information to prepare for your visit: Bullring Information
ENTRANCE: Please enter the back parking lot off of Serrano and park your vehicles. Please line up at the entrance next to the 600 Building gate
STEP 1: Forms – 600 Building Gate
Turn in all required and optional forms:
- REQUIRED: Yellow postcard (received in the mail) for address verification purposes (If you did not receive a yellow postcard you will need to provide two proofs of residency, please contact your Guidance Technician to make an appointment).
- REQUIRED: Student Emergency Card (sample) (printed, signed, and completed from AERIES Data Confirmation)
- REQUIRED: Annual Notification to Parents/Guardians Signature Form (MUST be signed by parent and student)
If AERIES Data Confirmation form has not been completed, students will not be permitted to proceed to the next station.
STEP 2: REQUIRED: Photo Card Pick-up & Dance Contract Information
STEP 3: ASB Purchases & Webstore Purchase Item Pick-up
- ASB cards - ASB Card Benefits
- Student Store Items 2024-25
- Planners, Yearbooks, and Class Spirit Shirts/Sweatshirts will be available for purchase at the ET Web Store or during Bullring.
- Parking Permits for Seniors and Juniors can be purchased on the webstore or during Bullring in ASB. Permits can be picked up during Bullring or when school starts in ASB. Students must have a current driver's license (not a learner's permit) to purchase a parking permit. You are required to bring your license with you in order to pick up your parking permit.
- **The ASB Web Store will be updated with 2024-2025 items on July 25, 2024**
STEP 4: Yearbook Photos and ID Cards - MPR
- Take yearbook photos (grades 9, 10 & 11) and receive ID cards (all grades).
- Please view the South Coast Photographic Flyer (Spanish Flyer) for information on how to order photos
- SOPHOMORES ONLY - Students will swap out their current district-issued Chromebooks for newer ones. Students must bring their current Chromebook with them in order to swap it out for a new one.
STEP 5: Preliminary Schedule pick-up - Big Top
STEP 6: Textbook pick-up - Innovation Center
- Textbooks must be picked up by the first day of school.
EXIT: 500 Building Gate
Please view the attached PSTO Membership Form if you are interested in joining the Parent Student Teacher Organization for the 2024-2025 school year.
Important Documents
- Annual Notification for Parents Signature Form 24-25. (REQUIRED DOCUMENT, please print, sign, and bring with you to Bullring Registration)
- Emergency Card (Sample) (REQUIRED DOCUMENT, Upon completion of Data Confirmation please print your completed emergency card, signed, and bring with you to Bullring Registration)
- McKinney-Vento Assistance Act Confidential Form.
- Mckinney-Vento Assistance Act Confidential Form (Spanish)
- Medi-Cal Reimbursement Form
- OCDE Medication Authorization Form
- Authorization for Release of Medical Information Form
- OCDE Doctor Release After Illness or Injury Form
- Aeries Data Confirmation Instructions for Parents
- 2024-25 PSTO Membership Form
- ASB Card Benefits 2024-25
- Student Store Items 2024-25
- Senior Spirit Wear Flyer
- South Coast Photographic Flyer Spanish Flyer
- "Say Something" Registration Information
First Day of 1st Semester School Procedures
First Day of 1st Semester School Procedures
Class Schedules
Your schedule may have changed from the summer due to: electives changing, and class enrollment balancing. Please understand that this is your new schedule. Also, please note that requests for specific teachers will not be accommodated.
Schedule Corrections
If you have an ERROR or OMISSION in your schedule, please come to the Guidance Department at the beginning of the class period where the mistake occurs. Only students with ERRORS or OMISSIONS in their schedules will be seen in the Guidance Department during the first week of school. Examples of students that need to be seen immediately for schedule changes are:
- two of the same classes scheduled (e.g.: two English classes)
- missing a class during a period (e.g.: missing a third period)
- already took/passed a class and should be in the next level
Adding a Class
- Deadline to ADD a class is September 4, 2024 (15 school days)
Dropping a Class or Level Change
- Deadline to DROP a class is September 25, 2024 (30 days)
- Also, according to district policy, a level change (not a teacher change) by a student or teacher must be completed by September 25, 2024 (30 school days)