Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary School

Front of Santiago Elementary


At Santiago, we have developed our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) framework.  PBIS is a framework for organizing systems and practices that focus on creating a positive and supportive school culture for all. PBIS is NOT a curriculum or packaged intervention. PBIS is a decision-making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for ALL students (OSEP Center on PBIS). This three-tiered model focuses heavily on school-wide core features (Tier 1), which are in place at our school and are available to all students at all times.

PBIS schools organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems into a continuum in which students experience increasingly intensive support based on their behavioral responsiveness to intervention. A three-tiered prevention logic requires that all students receive support at the universal or primary tier. If the behavior of some students is not responsive, then more intensive behavioral supports are provided, in the form of a group contingency (Tier 2) or a highly individualized plan (Tier 3) (OSEP Center on PBIS).

Tier 1 Team

The Tier 1 team is responsible for the development and monitoring of our site’s Tier 1, universal foundations (e.g., expectations, consequences, and acknowledgments). The Tier 1 PBIS team’s operating procedures include meeting at least monthly and have (a) regular meeting format/agenda, (b) minutes, (c) defined meeting roles and (d) a current action plan. The Tier 1 team will review and use discipline data and academic outcome data at least monthly for decision-making. The PBIS team will share school wide data regularly with faculty, and faculty will be able to provide input on universal foundations at least once a year. Stakeholders (students, families, and community members) will also provide input at least once a year.

School-wide Expectations

What are our school-wide expectations?

"Get in GEAR"

I am Grateful.

I am Engaged.

I am Accountable.

I am Reflective.

When do we teach our expectations?

-Beginning of the year

-After vacation breaks

-New students

-When necessary as indicated by data

How do we teach our expectations?

We have created individual lessons for each location on campus.  Lessons are taught through group PBIS rotations, during class discussions and through the use of teaching example and non-examples.

PBIS Matrix

Our PBIS Matrix was created collaboratively among the teaching staff.  You will see a lot of repetition within our matrix.  This was designed to simplify the matrix and allow more consistency across our campus.

PBIS Matrix

What are the acknowledgment systems for students?

Students earn GEAR tickets in exchange for class and school-wide rewards.

GEAR Ticket


Behavior Flow Chart

This flow chart is used by all staff to determine actions to be taken depending on the behavior displayed.  Teachers typically follow up with parents regarding minor behaviors, while the principal will communicate with parents in by our Behavior Communication form, email, and/or phone call depending on the severity.

Behavior Action Flow Chart

Problem Behavior Definitions

In order to have consistency with our understanding of each possible behavior, we have defined them.  This assists us in being equitable and fair to all students as well as helping all to understand what each behavior may look like. View Problem Behavior Definitions.