We are very proud of our instructional program at San Joaquin and encourage parents to visit our classrooms. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher and administrator at least 24 hours prior to your visit. Classroom visits/observations shall be no more than 20 minutes in duration. An administrator shall accompany visitors while they are on school grounds. All visitors are asked to wear a visitor badge and check out at the office when they leave.
When arriving on campus, visitors must check in at the office. We want our school to be a safe place for children and therefore we must insist that all visitors first check in at the office. Parents are not to confront students to solve neighborhood or school conflicts between their child and others. We respectfully request that pre-schoolers be kept home and that you avoid any unnecessary distractions to the class. If you need to bring an item to school for your child, please bring the item to the office so that we may deliver it with the least distraction.
It is very difficult for teachers to conference with parents during visitations. We suggest that a conference be arranged with the teacher at a mutually convenient time if you wish to discuss the visitation.
Non-registered students will not be allowed to visit due to insurance restrictions.