Digital Citizenship

Melinda Heights is a "Common Sense" Certified School for Digital Citizenship!

Common Sense Education: Certified School Digital Citizenship 2016-2017

All students will participate in the SVUSD Digital Citizenship curriculum adapted from Common Sense Media. Each grade level (K-6) will participate in one lesson per trimester. Students may also participate in some grade levels "bonus" lessons at the discretion of their teacher. Please visit the other sections of this web page for more information and the topics covered. Common Sense Media can provide your family with additional resources as we all work together to support our students as they become good digital citizens.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media is a great resource for parents, families and educators. If you'd like some more resources regarding Digital Citizenship and online safety, visit their website.

SVUSD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

The SVUSD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) can be found in the Annual Notification to Parents.

Digital Citizenship Trimester Lessons