Our Mission

Mission Statement

It is our mission to instill in students the technical skills to succeed in the world of tomorrow, the power to think and express themselves clearly, and the values necessary to act well, appreciate life, and contribute to society.


  • Wireless, fully networked multimedia devices allocated to classrooms
  • One to One Chromebooks in grades two through six.  At least two to one in K-1
  • Each teacher has been issued a laptop computer for utilization at school and home
  • Intel-powered flat-screen monitors for use in almost all classrooms
  • Multimedia capabilities in all classrooms
  • Purposeful technology usage in a blended classroom environment


  • A library/media center that includes over 17,000 titles and networked, wireless multimedia devices
  • An internet0based library circulation program that gives students access to library records from their classrooms as well as home computer
  • Accelerated Reader Internet based reading comprehension program which includes a reading list posted on our web site
  • Lexia Core 5 computer-adaptive assessment and prescriptive reading program
  • Well stocked, leveled classroom and school libraries
  • Classroom sets of literature titles 
  • School-day and Extended Learning time before/after school for additional reading intervention


  • 5th and 6th grade students are invited to participate in ASB Program. "MELT"
  • students are recognized for demonstrating outstanding character development
  • primary classes work with partners in our Big Buddy program
  • Tier II PBIS GOLD Award recipient 2022 and 2023

The success of Melinda Heights Elementary School lies in the clarity of our vision, the dedication of the staff and community, and the enduring support shared by all. Above all, the true strength of Melinda heights is that love that is shared among and between the adults and children. As our mascot is the Mountain Lion, the school community refers to this love as, "The Power of the Paw".