Policies & Procedures
Parent Handbook
Dress Code
Our school District has adopted a policy giving parents the primary responsibility for student dress. Dress and grooming must neither be disruptive to the educational process nor create an unsafe condition, either for the student or others.
Children's dress is the responsibility of the parents. Children are to be dressed in clothing and footwear which allows their full participation in activities in the classroom and on the playground. Clothing and hairstyles should not follow extreme fads or draw attention away from school curriculum.
Clothing that advertises beer or tobacco, has swear words or offensive slogans is not permitted. Clothing that could be construed as gang attire or gang "look alike" attire is prohibited. Students may not wear make-up. Hairstyles and hair colors should not distract from the learning environment.
Appropriate clothing for students include dresses, pants, skirts and blouses, and walking shorts. Spaghetti straps, halter tops or midriffs are not appropriate for school. Students may also wear long pants, walking shorts, shirts and t-shirts. Pants must fit securely around the waist. When pants will not stay at the waist during normal activities, students will be asked to call their parents and request they bring a belt or another pair of pants to school.
Shoes must be worn for all school activities including P.E. flip flops and shoes with high heels are not allowed. Hats may be worn outside for protection from the cold and sun; except for special events, hats are not allowed indoors at school.
Visitor Procedure
We are very proud of our instructional program at Lomarena and encourage parents to visit our classrooms. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher at least 24 hours prior to your visit. Classroom visits/observations are limited to 20 minutes in duration. When arriving on campus, visitors must check in at the office. We want our school to be a safe place for children and therefore we must insist that all visitors, including parent volunteer helpers, first check in at the office. Parents are not to confront students to solve neighborhood or school conflicts between their child and others, without the knowledge and permission of the principal. We respectfully request that pre-schoolers be kept home and that you avoid any unnecessary distractions to the class. If you need to bring an item to school for your child, please bring the item to the office so that we may deliver it with the least distraction.
It is very difficult for teachers to conference with parents during visitations. We suggest that a conference be arranged with the teacher at a mutually convenient time if you wish to discuss the visitation.
Non-registered students will not be allowed to visit due to insurance restrictions.