Coordinator's Message

My name is Emily Arias, and I’m the site Coordinator at La Tierra Early Childhood Center (La Tierra ECC).  I began my career in Saddleback in 2008 at Montevideo Elementary School, where I taught in the SAI-Autism classroom.  The majority of my time was spent teaching Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten aged students, as I was passionate about creating a supportive and inspiring elementary school experience that would foster the skills necessary to be lifelong learners.  I am thrilled to be working at La Tierra, where I can inspire the community and positively influence children as they encounter their first school experience.  I spent two years as the SELPA Program Specialist, supporting programs in both Saddleback and Laguna Beach School Districts.  In this role, I have had the opportunity to support the preschool programs in both districts.  I enjoyed every minute I could be on campus at La Tierra and be a part of the high-quality education provided in a safe and nurturing environment.  I have come to love the community at La Tierra, including the students, families, and the educational teams that provide countless hours to support the students and families as they embark on their educational journey.

My personal philosophy of education is that all students can learn and grow and that educators have a purpose of guiding students in their development.  School should be a safe place with caring professionals who provide meaningful, practical, and individualized instruction to meet every learner’s needs.  All students are unique individuals, and it is my responsibility as an educational leader to provide opportunities for all students to access the curriculum equitably.

At La Tierra ECC, our vision is for all students to enter the K-12 system ready to meet the demands placed upon them.  We believe that a highly qualified early childhood educational experience provides children with a broad range of skills to meet everyday demands placed on them. We believe that developmentally appropriate practice is purposeful, playful, and planned.  We believe that every child should experience school as a place where caring adults fully engage with them throughout their educational day.  We also believe that families are an essential part of the educational process, and we welcome and encourage all families to participate in their child’s educational experience.

Emily Arias
District Coordinator/Administrator, La Tierra Early Childhood Center