Dual Language Immersion


The multi-award winning SVUSD Dual Language Immersion Program began in 1991 and is designed to provide English speaking and Spanish Speaking students an exciting, enriching, and challenging educational opportunity for global citizenship. Students will learn to collaborate, communicate and think critically in all academic content areas in both Spanish and English. By the end of twelfth grade, students will have obtained the bilingual skills and multi-cultural competencies needed to succeed in our global society and economy.

International Spanish Academy LogoInternational Spanish Academy (I.S.A.)

Gates Elementary School is proud to be a member of the International Spanish Academies. The International Spanish Academies (I.S.A.) is an international effort between the Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain and Canadian educational administrations consisting of an educational curriculum in English/ French and Spanish for the purpose of reaching the following objectives:

  • To promote the academic success of students in all areas of study.
  • To educate students under the values of multicultural education, values that make international communication and respect among different cultures possible.
  • To enable students to effectively use and express themselves in English/ French and Spanish, both in their personal encounters and in the educational process.
  • To facilitate and promote the access of I.S.A. students to centers of higher education of recognized academic prestige in the United States and Canada, in Spain/Europe, and in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America.
  • To prepare students for their professional development in an international setting.
  • To encourage participation of the different groups and social sectors of the community in an integrative educational project.

The I.S.A. can be set up in schools or sections of a school (elementary, middle or high schools) that are in a position to initiate or are already developing a curriculum of quality education in English and Spanish.

The Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain will make available to I.S.A. the following resources and programs:

  • Access to a dual diploma
  • Specialized Visiting Teachers
  • Teacher exchange with Spain
  • Language/Culture Assistants
  • Teacher training courses at Spanish universities
  • Specific teacher training activities in the United States
  • Student exchange
  • Sister schools in Spain
  • Participation in a network of I.S.A. in North America
  • Classroom and curricular materials and resources
  • Pedagogic guidance

Goals and Benefits

  • Develop high levels of proficiency in English and Spanish.
  • Ensure academic excellence in the two languages as outlined in the Common Core State Standards.
  • Cultivate an understanding and appreciation of other cultures and strengthen positive connections among students, their families, and the greater global community.
  • Develop flexibility in thinking through problem solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning in two languages.
  • Empower parents to actively participate in their child’s education.

Program Model

The Dual Language Immersion Program is a challenging and rigorous academic program in which Spanish is used as the primary language of instruction in the younger grades.

The optimal classroom population is half native English-speaking students and half native Spanish-speaking students. SVUSD implements a 90/10 immersion model in which kindergarten and first grade students receive 90% of daily instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. The percentage of English instruction increases as seen below.

**Gates Elementary School**
Please access our YouTube Channel at Ralph A. Gates DLI for a look into our program.  You can also call 949) 837-2260 or email Arlene.Ramos@svusd.org to inquire about our upcoming monthly DLI site tours for the school year.

A Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Transitional Kindergarten program, based at a nearby site, may also be available pending interest. Inquiries regarding DLI TK can be sent to: Mary.Espiritu@svusd.org or you may call 949)580-3376.

Please complete this Dual Language Interest Form to begin your inquiry or enrollment process.
Grade Spanish English
Kinder & First 90% 10%
Second 80% 20%
Third 70% 30%
Fourth 60% 40%
Fifth & Sixth 50% 50%
Los Alisos Intermediate and Laguna Hills High School
Grade                    Subjects Taught in Spanish
Seventh & Eighth Spanish Language Arts Science
Ninth DLI Spanish 3
Tenth AP Spanish 4
World History
Eleventh Spanish Literature
Twelfth AP Spanish Literature

DLI Brochure - English

DLI Brochure - Spanish

Frequently Asked Questions