Why Del Lago?
Del Lago Elementary currently serves a student population of approximately 400 students. This year our learning community includes 18 classrooms with fully credentialed teachers who are supported by a library/media technician, a school psychologist, speech and education specialists, and a team of music, PE, and art support staff.
Del Lago has highly trained teachers and support staff, involved parents, and supportive business and community leaders who have made a significant difference at Del Lago through volunteer and financial support of school programs and equipment. Parent fundraising and volunteerism through our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) help to underwrite technology equipment, fine arts experiences, hands-on science investigations, social studies simulations, library/media, performing arts productions, and assemblies. Community service projects are an integral part of student-supported activities.
The Del Lago community remains committed to high expectations for all children, including those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, those with gifted and talented abilities, and those with special needs. We believe that when all stakeholders are working together toward the same vision, the systems are in place for our students to reach their highest potential.