Important Attendance Note
Please call the school attendance line before 9:00 AM each day your child is going to be absent or late.
The attendance line number is
(949) 586-5830 choose option 1; this line is available 24 hours a day.
Attendance voicemail is listened to every morning several times during the day.
Attendance at school is a requirement for students. As such, staff and the school will be monitoring and recording attendance daily.
Attendance Updates and Reminders
- As a public school, we are funded based on how many students attend school each day. We are therefore bound to numerous rules and guidelines regarding student attendance. Below is a partial list of situations that often arise at our school:
- School attendance is compulsory. It is the responsibility of parents to have their students in school each and every day their child is not ill.
- If a student is absent with your permission and knowledge, please leave a message on our Attendance Line 24 hours a day at (949) 586-5830, and press 1.
- Contacting our Attendance Office with a reason for the student’s absence is appreciated. By doing so, this notifies us of the absence, but does not necessarily excuse the absence. Excused absences are subject to district and state guidelines.
- If a medical, or other excusable reason (per board and state policy) is not provided within three (3) days, the absence will be recorded and archived as unexcused and/or truant.
- Teachers appreciate the courtesy of being notified on days students will be missing school for an appointment or otherwise. It is our Attendance Office that maintains these records and releases students. Therefore, please also communicate directly with our office regarding anticipated absences.
- If you are planning to check your child out from school early, this takes time… even if you have previously notified the teacher or our office.
- Students will not be called out of class until you arrive in our office and we check your ID.
- There must be time for teachers to communicate with your child before they depart.
- It is common for our office staff to be handling numerous urgent or other concurrent matters.
- Please plan for this process to take 10-15 minutes after you arrive.
- You must come to the office and take physical custody of your child. We cannot release students to other minors, anyone not on emergency cards, or those remaining in their cars.
- An absence of more than 30 minutes during any part of a school day (other than illness or medical appointment) is considered Unexcused and/or Truant. This includes early departures after class events and performances.
- Absences in excess of 10% of a school year for any reason are considered CHRONIC. Chronic absenteeism is monitored and addressed by school administration, district personnel, and the office of our county’s District Attorney.
- Letters will be sent home by our Attendance Office to notify families if attendance concerns arise on a monthly basis.
For additional and more extensive guidelines regarding student attendance, you may refer to our school’s Parent/Student Handbook, SVUSD Board Policies, and California Ed Code.