Elementary Overview
SVUSD Virtual Academy (SVA) offers students an online and/or blended learning education. SVA elementary students complete the majority of their coursework online but are required to participate throughout the week in scheduling online class meetings with their teacher and classmates. Additionally, students may also choose to attend in-person “blended learning days” (BLD). BLD provides students the opportunity to work in person with their teacher and peers in mixture of academic and co-curricular activities.
SVUSD Virtual Academy aligns its curriculum with the scope and sequence of the other SVUSD elementary schools which enables students to complete the district's adopted course of study within the customary time frame. Students are provided instruction and coursework online with a significant amount of control over the place, pace, and path of their education.
Realtime Class Meetings
Throughout the week, students have various "Real Time Class" (RTC). The week usually begins with whole class advisory meeting. The purpose of advisory is build student community, explicitly teacher specific character and social and emotional skills, and prime the students for the week ahead. Throughout the week, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students meet in their "leveled" reading and math groups for more personalized instruction and skill practice. In addition, RTC science and history meetings will be held. Finally, the week wraps up with an optional fun Friday activity.
Blending Learning Days (BLD)
BLDs provide students with the opportunity to work in person with their teacher and peers on Wednesday on a mixture of both academic and co-curricular activities. Students who attend BLD will still participate in the online class meeting held on other days of the week. While student attendance at BLD is highly encouraged, it is not required.
The SVA school counselor collaborates with teachers, parents, and the community to support students achieve academic success and develop social-emotional skills.
Through one on one counseling sessions, small group student meetings, targeted communications with valuable tips and resources related academic and social-emotional support, the SVA school counseling program works with parents to support students develop the knowledge, attitude, and skills necessary for them to be healthy, competent, and confident learners.
For more information, please visit the SVA Counseling Corner.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character Education
As part of the SVUSD Virtual Academy’s mission to support whole student growth and engaged citizens, SEL skills will be explicitly and implicitly taught and practiced through the curriculum and instruction. The primary method in which these skills are taught is Advisory. Weekly, students meet with their advisory teacher and grade level cohort. In addition to SEL skill development, Advisory provides teachers an opportunity to make sure students have important information and to build community.