Silverado High School School

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Graduation Requirements

To receive a diploma from SVUSD, a student must:

Complete 220 units of coursework in the below areas (165 required units; 55 elective credits):




40 units


30 units


30 units

Social Science 30 units
Health 5 units
Physical Education 20 units
World Language, Fine Arts, or Career Technical Education 10 units

The 30 credits of mathematics must include the content of the SVUSD Algebra 1 course (one year of Algebra 1 or two years of Algebra 1A and 1B). Students who complete Algebra 1 in intermediate school with an "A" or "B" will have met the one year of the high school math graduation requirement and must complete an additional 20 credits of advanced math at the high school level. Students completing Geometry Honors in intermediate school must complete at least 20 credits of math at the high school level. No high school credits will be granted for completing Algebra 1 or Geometry in intermediate school. Students receiving a "C" or lower in advanced math in intermediate school will need to repeat the class the following year.

Students must enroll in two semesters of Physical Education in 9th grade. If a student meets the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) "Healthy Fitness Zone" (HFZ) proficiency level in 9th grade, the student may elect to take the remaining two semesters in either 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Students who do not meet the PFT HFZ performance level in 9th grade must take PE in 10th grade. No student will receive credit for more than 8 semesters of Physical Education.

Submit verification of a minimum of eight hours of community service or equivalent project to be completed during grades 9 - 12.

Students transferring into the district from an accredited high school shall receive appropriate academic credit for previously completed courses when the sending district verifies that the student has satisfactorily completed those courses. The District will evaluate all coursework and credits granted by the accredited high school and make an individual determination on how those credits will be applied to the District's graduation requirements. Students transferring into the District from a non-accredited school will not receive credit for work done at that institution. An "accredited" school is one that has received accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) or one of the five regional associations that accredit public and private schools, colleges and universities in the United States, or in the case of a school outside of the United States, by the equivalent governmental accrediting agency in that jurisdiction. (Board Policy 6146.3)

To participate in a high school graduation ceremony and receive a high school diploma, a student must have completed all graduation requirements prior to the ceremony.