Silverado High School School

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All absences must be cleared through the Attendance Office.

Every absence verification, whether written or oral, must include the following:

  • The student must submit a note within three (3) school days of returning back to school.

    • The note must be handwritten in ink (not pencil), by the parent/guardian.

    • The note must be signed by the parent/guardian.

    • The note must include the student’s name, date of absence, and reason for the absence.

  • If student is seeing a medical professional, please include a note from the medical professional explaining the reason for absence.

Important Attendance Information:

Please e-mail attendance notes to:

The attendance phone number is:
(949) 586-8800 ext. 1

Please call before 9:00 AM on each day your child is going to be absent or late.

The attendance voicemail is checked multiple times per day.

Available 24 hours

attendance matters