School Choice Intra-District Transfer
The School Choice Intra-District Transfer is the process for SVUSD residents who want to transfer their student to another school within SVUSD. This includes students who receive Special Education Services in Specialized Programs. The window of time that applications will be accepted is determined by your students' incoming grade level. Please note that the application for incoming K-6 students has closed.
To submit a School Choice application for incoming 7th - 12th grade students, use the links below:
Para español, haga clic en la selección de idioma en la derecha esquina superior de la aplicación
Secondary School Choice Application (Incoming 7-12)
Submit Secondary School Choice Application - Current SVUSD Parent
Submit Secondary School Choice Application - New SVUSD Parent
The Secondary School Choice application window will be open from: January 6, 2025 through January 31, 2025. This is for incoming 7th - 12th grade students for the 2025-2026 School Year.
All schools are open.
Elementary School Choice Application (Incoming K-6)
The Elementary School Choice application window for the 2025-2026 School Year is now closed.
Important Information
School Choice Intra-District Transfer only applies to students who live within the Saddleback Valley Unified School District attendance boundaries. Requests for placement will not be done on a first-come, first-serve basis, instead will be approved using an unbiased random Lottery selection process and only if space is available at the school requested. This is the only process in which to request a transfer from your school of residence.
If you live outside of the SVUSD you will need to apply for an Inter-District Transfer from your resident district.
Please complete one application per student.
- Students may request a 1st and 2nd choice of schools.
- Once the application is approved the choice school will become your school of residence throughout the level, K-6, 7-8, 9-12. The district is unable to hold a space for your student at more than one school. Please give this consideration before submitting a School Choice Intra-District Transfer application.
- IF YOUR STUDENT IS NOT CURRENTLY ATTENDING SCHOOL IN SVUSD you will need to email a current electric, gas, water bill or a rental/mortgage statement which clearly indicates your current address to (Your application will not be processed without this.)
- Elementary (entering grades K-6) Notification: Status letters will be mailed home on the first week of February 2025. Elementary applications will be approved or denied. No waitlist will be established.
- Secondary (entering grades 7-12) Notification: Status letters will be mailed home on the first week of March 2025. Please do not contact school sites directly regarding the status of your application. Secondary applications will be approved or denied. No waitlist will be established.
If you have further questions, you may contact us at or at 949-580-3400
Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. My child is in 9th grade at X school. X school is not our resident school any longer, can my child stay at X school for 10th grade?
- 2. I was approved this year (for the 24-25 school year) for my child to attend X school. Do I need to reapply again for the 25-26 school year?
- 3. Our 3rd grade student attends X school through the School Choice process, we now have an incoming Kindergarten student, do they need to apply for School Choice at School X?
- 4. My children attend X School but we just moved into Y school attendance area. Do we need to apply through the school choice process to remain at X School?
- 5. We have been attending X School, but now we live in the Capistrano Unified School District boundaries. Do we apply through School Choice to remain at X school?
- 6. We did not get our 1st Choice approved, however we were approved for our 2nd Choice school. Can we change our mind and stay at our resident school?
- 7. If my child is placed at X school in an Special Day Class (SDC) class but will be exited from the program next year, can my child automatically remain at X school?