WEX administers the District's Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA). An HRA account will automatically be established for the main subscriber who elects one of the District's medical plan options. The District funds the account.
Employees can use their funds to pay for eligible healthcare expenses, such as copays, deductibles, and coinsurances, as well as some over the counter medications, COVID 19 personal protective equipment, and menstrual supplies. Cosmetic surgery or expenses that are not medical or health related are not eligible.
For a full list of eligible HRA expenses, click HERE (If item is eligible under a Medical FSA, it is eligible under our HRA)
HRA funds are available at the beginning of the calendar year or the month in which you enroll in medical coverage, if enrolling during the year. And they are available through December 31st or your employment termination/date you move to an ineligible status. Employees enrolling during the year will receive a pro-rated HRA amount. After termination or moving to an ineligible status, employees have 90 days to submit any remaining eligible claims incurred up through that date. For employees enrolled through the end of the calendar year, they have till March 30 of the following year to submit any remaining eligible claims incurred up through the prior calendar year.
Employees will be provided with a debit card to use. It is important to maintain itemized receipts any time the debit card is used in the event that WEX needs a copy for verification. Please note credit card slips are not sufficient. If enrolled in an EPO or PPO plan, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) document can also be used as documentation. Appropriate documentation must include name of the provider, date of service or date item purchased, description of service or item purchased, amount paid (employee responsibility only). Claims can also be filed online using their portal, app, or using the paper claim form, which is available on Saddleport on the Benefits tab.