Special Education Transportation
Special Education transports students based upon students’ unique needs as indicated in their Individual Education Plans (IEP). Students who are District placed in non-resident school programs may also be eligible for transportation. If you have questions regarding your student’s eligibility for Special Education transportation, please contact your student’s IEP team. Transportation for unique needs is determined based on assessment. If your student is eligible for transportation based on unique need or non-resident program attendance, your student’s case carrier will make the request for transportation, and the request will be reviewed by Special Education to ensure it is in alignment with your student’s IEP.
If your student receives transportation, any requests for initiation or changes (including adult releases, change in contact information, change in address, change in school, etc.) must be communicated to and processed by your student’s Special Education case manager. Requests and changes take up to 10 days after the request is processed by the case manager and Special Education for implementation.
All approved requests received by Transportation from Special Education, will be put into effect 10 days after receipt. Transportation will contact you directly regarding date of implementation. Unique requests involving additional equipment or personnel may take additional time to implement. Please do not contact Transportation directly regarding any changes to your student’s transportation; all changes must go through the IEP team and case carrier.
If your student is absent and receives Special Education transportation, please notify Transportation at (949) 580-3299.