Saddleback Valley Unified School District
09.12.24 Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
06.03.24 Proposed 2024-2025 Budget 06.03.24 Local Control and Accountability Plan 04.18.24 SVUSD Initial Proposal to CSEA 04.18.24 CSEA Initial Proposal to SVUSD 04.18.24 Statutory School Facilities Fees 03.07.24 SVEA Initial Proposal to SVUSD 03.07.24 SVUSD Initial Proposal to SVEA 09.07.23 Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials 08.03.23 SVUSD Reopener Proposal to SVPSA 08.03.23 SVPSA Reopener Proposal to SVUSD
06.05.23 Proposed 2023-2024 Budget 06.05.23 Local Control and Accountability Plan 04.20.23 SVUSD Reopener Proposal to CSEA 04.20.23 CSEA Reopener Proposal to SVUSD 02.09.23 SVUSD Initial Proposal to SVEA 02.09.23 SVEA Initial Proposal to SVUSD 09.08.22 Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
06.09.22 Local Control and Accountability Plan 06.09.22 Proposed 2022-2023 Budget 05.12.22 CSEA Initial Proposal to SVUSD 05.12.22 SVUSD Initial Proposal to CSEA 05.12.22 Charter School Petition 04.07.22 Statutory School Facility Fees Increase 03.10.22 SVEA Opening Proposal to SVUSD 03.10.22 SVUSD Initial Proposal to SVEA 03.10.22 SVPSA Opening Proposal to SVUSD 03.10.22 SVUSD Initial Proposal to SVPSA 01.13.22 Proposed Adjustments to the District's Trustee Area Map 09.09.21 Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
06.10.21 Proposed 2021-2022 Budget 06.10.21 Local Control and Accountability Plan 05.06.21 SVUSD Initial Proposal to SVUSD 05.06.21 CSEA Initial Proposal to SVUSD 04.01.21 SVUSD Reopener Proposal to SVPSA 04.01.21 SVPSA Reopener Proposal to SVUSD 10.08.20 Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials 09.10.20 SVUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP)