English Language Services

Welcome to Foothill Ranch Elementary. My name is Beatriz Mendoza Mayordomo and I am your Bilingual Parent Advocate. I facilitate school and home communication for bilingual families, organize school ELAC meetings, facilitate interpretation and translation of school-related items, and provide resources to families.

I am a bilingual parent myself. I have 3 kids attending our school and I was new to the school system 8 years ago. I have experienced how important it is for our English Learner students that their families are involved and well informed of their student’s learning, understand the school system, and be informed of the events happening on campus. I serve as a liaison between the school and bilingual families so we can work as a team to see our students succeed. 

As a parent, I understand your perspective and as a professional, I am here to help. I look forward to working with our bilingual community. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and concerns. You can reach me at 949-470-4885 or via email at beatriz.mendozamayordomo@svusd.org.

I can interpret/translate in Spanish or facilitate interpreters/translators in other languages.